Activator rail minecraft recipe

    minecraft how to make a detector rail
    minecraft how to make detector rail
    how to make a detector rail work in minecraft
    how to make a detector rail
  • Minecraft how to make a detector rail
  • Detector rail vs activator rail

    Detector rail minecraft...

    This article is about the detector rail. For other types of rails, see Rail (disambiguation).

    Detector Rail

    A detector rail is a type of rail that produces a redstone signal when a minecart is on it.



    A detector rail can be broken fairly easily by hand, dropping itself as an item. It can be broken faster by using a pickaxe.

    How to use detector rails in minecraft

  • How to use detector rails in minecraft
  • Activator rail
  • Detector rail minecraft
  • Minecraft activator rail
  • Powered rail recipe
  • Block Detector Rail
    Hardness 0.7
    Breaking time[A]
    Default 1.05
    1. ↑Times are for unenchanted tools as wielded by players with no status effects, measured in seconds.

      For more information, see Breaking § Speed.

    A detector rail also drops as an item if:

    • the block beneath it is removed
    • water or lava flows over it‌[Java Edition only]
    • a piston moves it into a space with no floor below it.

    Chest loot[]



    A detector rail can be used as a rail that can detect when minecarts are on it or how full container minecarts on it are.

    To pla

      what is a detector rail in minecraft
      how to use a detector rail in minecraft