Minecraft secret base ideas

    how to make a hidden minecraft base
    how to make a secret minecraft base
    how to make a secret minecraft base entrance
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    How to make a secret base in minecraft underground

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  • Building a starter base in Minecraft is one of the most basic but essential early-game tasks you need to do, especially in a multiplayer server. However, some players destroy other players' builds or steal their precious items and gear.

    Hence, it might be a great idea to build a secret base instead.

    It should have a well-hidden entrance, essential furniture such as beds, chests, and furnaces, a room for easy-growing agricultural plants such as wheat or carrots, and a compact enchanting room.

    Entrance To The Secret Base

    The entrance is the most critical part of building a secret base in Minecraft.

    It should be well-hidden and cannot be easily seen by players nearby or even from afar.

    Gathering The Materials Needed

    The list below includes all the materials to construct a basic hidden entrance:

    • 4 Sticky Pistons (4 Pistons + 4 Slime Balls)
    • 4 Redstone Repeaters (12 Stone Blocks + 8 Redstone Torches + 4 Redstone Dusts)
    • 5 Redstone Dusts (you might need more)
    • 1 Lever (1 Stick + 1 Cobblestone Block)
    • Hoe or Shovel (made from any material)

    Constructing The Hidden En

      how to build a minecraft hidden base
      how to build a secret minecraft base