Minecraft sword enchantments

minecraft sword enchantments
A sword is a melee weapon that is used to deal damage to entities and to break certain blocks such as cobs and bamboo quicker.

Combining enchantments minecraft

combining enchantments minecraft
The option to combine enchantments in Minecraft requires you to craft an anvil, which requires 31 iron ingots. Then, you may combine.

Minecraft enchanted diamond armor

minecraft enchanted diamond armor
The best enchantments to get for any gear in Minecraft are Unbreaking and Mending. Unbreaking will make sure your gear lasts longer than usual.

Minecraft god sword enchantment

minecraft god sword enchantment
This is a tutorial for survival Minecraft that shows you the best way how to put all 7 eligible enchantments on your sword and make a God.

Leggings enchants minecraft

leggings enchants minecraft
There are three possible ways to enchant your leggings: using an Enchanting Table, finding an enchanted book, or trading for it with a villager.

Minecraft chestplate enchantments

minecraft chestplate enchantments
This is a tutorial for survival Minecraft that shows you the best way how to put all 4 eligible enchantments on your chestplate and make God.